Natural Beauty Recipes
You can find some of the best natural beauty recipes for hair and skin care right in your kitchen. Your skin not only allows moisture and nutrients to escape through pores, it absorbs them the same way. Apply moisturizer everyday and drink plenty of water for healthier skin.
Your skin also needs a barrier between it and the outdoor elements. The barrier, such as a good moisturizing lotion, will help the skin maintain the moisture from the water you consume. Without the lotion, heat from the sun, dry air and even cold wind can draw the moisture from your skin. Regardless of how much water you drink on a daily basis, you need to apply a good moisturizer daily.
You want a moisturizer that nourishes your skin. You want to maintain and even build collagen that keeps wrinkles at bay. Who doesn't want that glowing, youthful, even toned skin? You'll get all of this and much more in Natural Beauty Recipes.
These beauty secrets are whipped up with real food straight from your kitchen. You could quickly go broke visiting a full service spa to get all of the pampering you can find in your own cozy home. Effective deep hair conditioning, blonde, brunette and even red hair color enhancing without chemicals or harsh odors, soothe extremely dry skin (like your heals) in just minutes. You can naturally, gently, build collagen for younger looking skin.
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Avocado Face Mask
1/4 avocado
1/2 small well ripened Banana
2 Tbs Honey
Place all ingredients into food processor. Process until smooth. Smooth on face and neck area. Leave on for 20 minutes. Rinse with tepid water. Moisturize while skin is damp. Can be used daily.
You can easily dress up your favorite sugar scrubs and give them as gifts! I spooned the sugar into a 2 oz cup and add a few candy sprinkles on top (the kind for cakes) and used a fold over sandwich bag and a pretty ribbon to complete the look. The candy confetti will dissolve in water just like the sugar. Go ahead, relax.
Baby Soft Skin
1/4 cup oil (see directions below)
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 cups granulated sugar
Pour sugar into large resealable plastic bag. Add olive oil or vegetable oil and close bag. Knead bag until sugar is thoroughly moistened. Add vanilla and knead again until well mixed. Use as a body scrub from head to toe. Do not use soap after sugar scrub. Just rinse with warm water and pat dry.
The ingredients in these Natural Beauty Recipes are found in your kitchen. Mineral and baby oil is not found in the kitchen. Because they're NOT edible. Though these oils are safe for most skin, avoid contact with eyes and don't ingest them. You may substitute olive oil or vegetable oil for the mineral and baby oil in any recipe. These beauty recipes are not medical advice or a substitute for any medical treatment or cure of any kind! You'll just feel pretty and get lots of compliments.
In Natural Beauty Recipes, there's something for everyone! There's a frugal fix for chlorine hair that will have blondes beaming!
Brunettes are blessed with hair that keeps a lot of secrets...until it loses it's multidimensional color. Replenish and restore ribbons of deep chocolate, burgundy and bronze in just minutes! (a whopping 10 cents or less!)
Do you want a moisturizer that works without the wait or the spa cost? You'll feel a difference after this natural exfoliating and moisturizing duo for just pennies! (like 8 cents or so!)
If you've tried everything to get that creamy complexion to no avail, try this two ingredient Asian secret. It works to help brighten and lighten skin, leaving an even skin tone while helping to rebuild collagen in just 30 days. That means less wrinkles ladies! (have you seen those Asian ladies? Beautiful skin!) And you probably have both ingredients right there in your kitchen.
There's deep hair conditioners for damaged hair, facial masks, hand and foot treatments that will soothe, smooth and soften in just minutes! These all natural beauty recipes will save you hundreds every year and keep you feeling like you just stepped out of an upscale full service spa. Oh, Sure, it's perfectly okay to make other women jealous...unintentionally of course.
You can use Natural Beauty Recipes and enjoy luxury spa-like treatments anytime you want in the comfort of your own sweet home !
Email me for your free copy of Natural Beauty Recipes!

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